They Call Me Blessed

6 Unique Ways to Help Kids Share Their Faith

If you are anything like me, you have wondered many times about how to help your kids share their faith.

When it comes to sharing your faith, even adults find it challenging. We worry that we will say the wrong things, come on too strong and in some cases even lose a good friend in the mix. You may also might have thought that, if it’s hard for us, just think about how hard it must be for our kids – our teens and preteens who are faced with choices each day that could affect the rest of their lives.

Help Kids Share Their Faith

At the same time, by observing my own kids, I saw that they fear much less than we do and are not so careful about being politically correct when they share from their hearts and simply wants to talk about what they believe and what is important to them. Kids also observe a lot the faith of their parents.

So what can we do to help them share their faith?How do we help them lean on God as they face daily pressures, and how do we help them encourage others to do the same? Here are six helpful ways to get kids started in sharing their faith as a normal part of everyday life.

1. To Help Kids Share Their Faith: Lead by example.

It’s no secret that children learn by imitation. Sign your family up to join your church’s evangelism team or volunteer to chaperone a youth mission trip. By actively working alongside your children to spread the word of God, they will be less likely to be caught off guard when faced with uncomfortable conversations with classmates.

2. To Help Kids Share Their Faith: Keep a family prayer journal.

Family dinner is the perfect time to set aside a few minutes as a family to pray. Encourage everyone in your family to participate by adding the things they care about to the list. While you may add friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family members to the list, your children may choose to add their friends, classmates and teachers. Take time to pray through the list on a regular basis as a family and don’t forget to write down (and celebrate!) the work God is doing through your prayers.

3. To Help Kids Share Their Faith: Make sharing faith a family affair.

Help with Vacation Bible School at your church or maybe you can participate in a community outreach, take a class on evangelism, or volunteer at your local food bank.

4. To Help Kids Share Their Faith: Be ready to gift a little encouragement.

Everyone needs encouragement at some point, so why not be prepared for when the opportunity presents itself and stock up on faith-based gifts for kids and teens. Your kids can give these gifts to their friends on those last-minute special occasions, or when they just need a little pick me up.

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