They Call Me Blessed

The #1 Thing Every Homeschool Mom Needs

Have you ever made a list of all the things every homeschool mom needs? Or at least the things you need? I have a big list – A BIG ONE! But there is one thing on the very top of my list, one above all other needs: ENCOURAGEMENT! Yes, we need encouragement, lots of it, because our days are not a breeze. Just because we stay at home that does not mean we do not work!

every homeschool mom needs

To be honest with you, a stay-at-home or work-from-home homeschool mom has many jobs, not just one! For instance, here are all the jobs I currently have:

All of these juggling from one place to another all day and did I mention they are all volunteering jobs with no pay? Well, not the blogger one. Thank God!

But here is the bottom of line, at the end of each day, my back hurts, my legs pain, I’m tired – NO – I’m exhausted! But you know what? I’m fulfilled! Why? Because this crazy busy long life career called motherhood is still amazing and is so rewarding! Every sacrifice, every selfless act, every surrender to those moments you just need to endure it a little bit more will eventually bear fruit!

Rarely a mother’s week pass by without a prayer, a tear, a sleepless night… moms, homeschoolers or not, battle fears, worries, anxiety, and discouragement in some season or in many seasons of their lives.

Every homeschool mom needs to be encouraged!

Just as a car will not move without fuel (and the proper one!) also a homeschool mom will not be able to go far without constantly refilling her tank. And I am not talking about caffeine! Moms need encouragement, moms need a pat on the back once in a while and they need to hear words like:

“You’re are doing great!”

“Thank you for all you do for our children!” or something like…

” Well done love, I’m proud of you.”

Every homeschool mom needs to hear these things. These little words of affirmation and gestures of appreciation get us far. We need encouragement from friends, siblings, parents, in-laws and even strangers. They need to be reassured that all their work and sacrifice is not in vain.

I want to invite you to dive deep into a pool of fresh waters of encouragement with me and spend 20 days being encouraged by other homeschool moms. My dear friend, fellow homeschooler and blogger, also a mental health therapist, is gifting us with this opportunity to be refreshed and renewed right now at her blog Busy Boys Brigade.

Several of my favorite homeschool mom bloggers have been posting there daily and I will be sharing my post there on July 12th. So let’s do this together! I want you to be encouraged. I want to see might blessings in your life while you take on this labor of love to educate your children at home. Let’s go! CLICK HERE TO JOIN US.

Your Turn: What else do you think every homeschool mom needs? What is on your list?

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