You can start a mom blog in just a few minutes! Did you know that? It takes 20 minutes or less to start your own blog and I will guide you step-by-step through the process here while teaching my favorite blogging tips with you!
**This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.**
My Mom Blog Story
Before I started blogging I was exhausted, burned out, depressed and feeling guilty for neglecting my children while I worked 40 to 60 hours/week as a pastor. Don’t get me wrong, ministry is my life! I absolutely love doing what God called me to do!
After years of hustle trying to juggle everything, I burned out completely and became very ill. The consequences of years of hustle caused me to step back from working and stay home for the first time in my life.
My desire was to stay home with my children, focus on homeschooling them, which I still manage to do while working full -time. I also carried a lot of guilt in my heart for not being always there for them and this was eating me inside!
I still wanted to continue to fulfill my calling as a pastor and to minister to women, especially moms, but I didn’t want to leave them and go back to work outside the house anymore!
Blogging allowed me to do exactly what I always dreamed of! To be home with my kids, homeschooling them while encouraging other moms. I knew other moms were going through the same struggles I did. Most moms nowadays are exhausted, demotivated and burned out because this crazy rhythm of life we are living in.
Plus I saw a need to equip other homeschool parents, debunk a few homeschool myths, and share the benefits of homeschooling with other parents looking for an alternative to the public school system.
Why start a mom blog?
Let me give you four reasons to start a successful mom blog and see if this will resonate with you.
- Freedom to put my children first always (I never miss a beach day or field trip and I can take as many sick days or vacations I want)
- Work from home around my family’s routine, not the other way around
- Make my own working hours (I can work as much or as little I want to!)
- Be my own boss and grow the family business
How many of these would you say YES! to?
I was tired of feeling guilty for not being there for my children, only seeing them a few hours a day for breakfast, dinner and bedtime routine. That wasn’t enough for someone who dreamed of being a mom and became a mom against all odds when the doctors told me I would never be able to hold a pregnancy after my cancer.
What is your WHY to start a mom blog?
Your why is the most important thing you need to know before you do anything else.
Are you ready to create your own successful mom blog now?
Let’s Create Your Successful Mom Blog Blueprint
The key to a successful mom blog is to start right from the foundation. This blog blueprint will help you from the beginning to create the best blog posts (content) to attract your ideal reader (avatar).
–> Make sure you download and print your blog blueprint before we start!
STEP 1 – Define your niche. What do you want to blog about?
- Niche is the particular market your blog appeal to. Your niche can be defined by geographical areas, a specialty industry, ethnic or age groups, or any other particular group of people.
For example, my niche is mostly homeschooling, but I also blog about motherhood, faith, blogging and occasionally healthy living.
STEP 2 – Define your avatar.
By definition, your avatar is your ideal customer/reader.
Defining your avatar will help you to create content that answers your reader’s questions and solve their problems. Think of your avatar as a person. In my case, it would be a homeschool mom. Now think about what is this homeschool mom’s greatest struggles and how can you as a homeschool blogger help her solve her problems?
STEP 3 – Define your keywords.
- Keywords are the heart of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and the magnet that brings people to read your blog posts.
For example, keywords in my niche will be homeschool planner, homeschool moms, homeschooling, homeschool, homeschool curriculum, homeschooling full-time, and so on.
Now think about your niche and see how many keywords you can come up with! Write it down on your Blog Blueprint template.
When you start writing your blog posts keep in mind that your keywords for each post should be unique and you will use your keyword in your blog titles, the beginning of your first paragraph, headers and subheaders, meta description, throughout the post, picture description, tags, etc. This little info here is gold, my friend! And it will help you start right from day 1!
Now, I teach a lot more about keywords in my course Grow Your Blog Partying in 30 Days, this is just the basics you should know for now.
STEP 4 – Write your mission statement.
Remember we talked about finding your why? Your why along your mission statement should always be visible to you. It will give you a clear direction on how to serve your audience day after day.
A simple way I’ve learned to write my mission statement is by completing these three sentences:
My mission is to…
so they can…
Here is an example of a mission statement: My mission is to teach the importance of whole food nutrition to busy moms so they can live a healthier and happier life by providing them with easy and practical ways to cook healthy meals on a budget for her family and becoming more proactive towards their health.
What is your mission statement? Write down at your blog blueprint!
STEP 5 – Choose a name for your blog.
I left this step for last on purpose because working through defining your niche, avatar, keywords and blog mission statement will give you more clarity in choosing a name.
Since we will have to register your domain soon, make a list of 3-5 names you like so you will have more options in your hand in case the domain for your favorite name is taken already.
Let’s create your successful mom blog now with this step-by-step tutorial:
1. Chose your hosting plan
I am so happy with Siteground after not having a good experience with my first hosting but now I finally am at peace. Siteground is fantastic because they have a great technical support and they guarantee your site up 99.99% of the time.
SiteGround has three plans to can choose from.
Here is how to choose your plan:
- The StartUp plan is perfect for people with one website that are starting now
- The GrowBig plan is a great value for money offer, including the option for multiple websites and the SuperCacher that greatly improves a WordPress and Joomla website speed
- The GoGeek plan is perfect for people with e-commerce and larger sites, or more geeky development needs like staging and GIT integration (This is my plan! And yes, my blog grew that quick that I had to go for this one in less than a year blogging.)
All plans include free domain registration!!!
This is how easy it is to register and start your blog in just a few minutes
Go to and click on the “Web Hosting” Tab in the menu.
Step 2. Choosing Domain
I love that the domain registration is included in the SiteGround hosting service. 🙂 This is a BIG BONUS! All in one place!
Now you will need those 3-5 blog names you picked, let’s see which one will be THE ONE! I’m so excited for you!
Step 3. Review and Complete
Unlike many other hosting providers SiteGround‘s advertised discount applies to any of the initial periods chosen during the signup process. Being able to get a low price for the one year period is a big advantage in comparison to other providers where the lowest monthly price applies only for the longest period.
That’s it! Seriously! It takes 2 minutes to get hosting and domain for your new blog! 😉
Step 4. Choose and install your blog theme.
Restore 316 is my favorite place to shop for themes! I love their blog themes and they have fantastic customer service. So go choose yours there! I can’t wait to see which one will you choose. Mine is the Darling theme but the Delightful has always been one of my favorites too!
Hello You Designs has gorgeous WordPress themes as well. My favorite theme from them is the Sassafras!
Now you are ready to start writing your first blog post and launch your successful mom blog!!
The question in your mind now is: Can I make money blogging? How?
YES!! Totally! And you can start monetizing your blog right away too! One of the main ways bloggers monetize is by using affiliate links in their blog posts.
When should you start monetizing your blog? Since day 1!
Don’t miss any chance to start making your blogging investment back and to start bringing in an income as a blogger. At first, it may feel like you will only make $50/month, then the next month $300 comes in and it just keeps growing if you consistently and wisely use affiliate links in your blog.
If you are one of those people who are really afraid of selling anything and even afraid of what others will think if you put one tiny advertisement in your blog, it’s time to change your mindset!
[Tweet “Think of affiliate links as telling your readers where to find what THEY NEED!”]
Your job as a blogger is to serve your readers by providing what they need, either through information, services or products.
Like any job you could have, you deserve to receive a salary. When you spend hours working to provide the best you can to your readers, these commissions from affiliate links are part of your pay.
There are many ways to use affiliate links and to monetize your blog. I started making money blogging on my second-month blogging and today I teach other new mom bloggers to do the same. I’ve learned from the beginning that you don’t need to wait a year to start seeing massive growth in your blog traffic and I can teach you exactly how to skyrocket your blog traffic here.
Find more tools and resources for a successful mom blog here:
Social Media Scheduler: Post Planner is my favorite tool to schedule all my posts on Facebook and Twitter. Believe me, sharing posts on social media is very time consuming and you will need a social media scheduler to free you so you can have more time to create content for your blog.
Email Marketing: Now that you are a blogger your number one priority is to grow your email list! ConvertKit has never disappointed me, my email list just keeps growing daily! Creating opt-in forms don’t take more than 5 minutes with this tool.
Canva: Canva is the best tool to create gorgeous graphics for your blog posts in just a few minutes. It’s free and super easy to use! This is what I personally use to create every graphic you see on my blog.
Affiliate Marketing: Share-A-Sale is my favorite!! Tons of great companies there and so easy to use. This is my #1 income source as a successful mom blogger. 🙂
Pinterest & Instagram Scheduler: Tailwind is my favorite because it schedules all your Pinterest and Instagram posts. And using Tailwind tribes are an amazing way to grow your Pinterest! You can join my tribe here so we can help you share your first blog posts! You can start free!
Giveaways: Creating giveaways with Gleam is so easy and you can start free! Talking about giveaways, this one is happening now!
Blog Finances Spreadsheet: Six Figures Under This Excel spreadsheet organizes my blog’s finances all in one place! So helpful!
Proofread by Grammarly: Grammarly is the best proofreading tool a blogger can’t live without! You can use it free and it will become your best friend!
Want to read more successful mom blog stories and learn how other moms are making money blogging?
Check out my Ultimate Mom Blogger Series.
Woohoo!! You did it!!
You are on your way to success now!
I can’t wait to visit and comment on your new successful mom blog now! Let me know if this tutorial has helped you and be sure to drop me your blog link down in the comments below!
What a great resource for those of us wanting to start our own blogs! Thank you for sharing. I’ll have to check out some of these resources!
I have been blogging since 2009, but in 2014 I just couldn’t do it. how can I constantly write even in bad mood?
This really gives me an idea to pursue blogging. Every single step is helpful. Thanks for putting up this page!
I really enjoy blogging! Your blog has provided relevant ideas and I am thinking of using those steps to create a blog.
I’m so glad to hear that that!! 🙂
Great information. I will be trying this in the future.
Love this post. It has such useful information. I have a blog for some time now but I still struggle to figure out who I am writing for. When I write I think of someone like me but from what I noticed most readers are younger than me. That is probably because I review a lot of products marketed towards their age.
The thing is that I would like my blog to be read by women in their 30’s that are just starting to be interested in makeup and that don’t want to invest a lot in this new hobby. I am starting to wonder if this is a niche that actually exists. I mean… are there enough [people interested?
Good point, Irina. Take a good look at your Google Analytics. What does it say about your audience? If it is not your ideal audience exactly, you can intentionally create content to attract them to your blog. 🙂
Looking forward to reading more of your great content!
Thank you, Dorcas! I’m really glad you’re here. 🙂
What a great post with a wealth of information! Thanks so much
You’re so welcome! 🙂
Thanks for this great info!!
You’re very welcome!
Hi Anna, I’m Marsha from Networking Bloggers. Your blog is beautiful! I’m amazed you could do all this in a year! Did you have help designing your blog? Did you have any obstacles that you needed to overcome? I am still overcoming them. And you’ve done all this while homeschooling! Wow! ) What would you like to get out of Networking Bloggers? Any ideas or suggestions?
Thank you, Marsha!!! I thought I had replied to you already. There will always be obstacles to overcome – always! 🙂
Hi Marsha, thank you!! Yes, it is s huge blessing that my blog took off right away. 🙂 I guess we are all overcoming obstacles somehow. I can’t complain about anything to be honest. My goal is to help more moms also start successful blogs and be able to work from home while homeschooling. 🙂
I love so many things about this post, but my favorite tip was to think about and define your reader. My blog is brand new and I started it by asking ‘what do I know enough about to write for a long time?’ Asking who it is that I’m writing for really helps to narrow that down and define my niche. Thanks for this great plan!
Yes, Jessica!! You are right. Knowing your readers and their needs is your priority so you can write the right content for your audience. 🙂 I’m so glad you have found this post helpful!! <3
Love this post! Can’t wait to read more! I am a stay at home mom with two toddlers and just recently started my own blog, these are great tips for all of us Mom’s just starting out. I m looking forward to checking out your homeschooling section next.
Awesome, Amy!! I’m so glad you stopped by. And talking about homeschooling I’m hosting an amazing online event on Facebook this Friday and Saturday. Do sign up!! It’s free. All the info you might need about homeschooling you will find it there. 😀
Wow! I am impressed that you gave the links to the program’s you use! As a homeschool mum, who has started her own blog, I can say this post is invaluable! Thank you so very much, Ana!
Thank you, Sarah!!! You made my day with this comment. I really wan to help more homeschool moms and moms in general to grow their blogs and have a nice income being home with their children. 🙂
These are great tips for starting and growing a blog! You’ve certainly done your research, and your own blog is lovely.
Thank you, Brandi!!! I feel really blessed to have been able to grow my blog quickly the way I did and now to be able to help other moms do the same. 🙂
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!