As a Christian mom, nothing is more important to me than my children’s faith foundation – nothing! Having lots of money is not important, great academics achievement are important but not more important, certainly, appearance is not more important either!
Why building a strong faith foundation in your little ones’ lives is important?
While succeeding academically, having a good income and great appearance can determine what social status they will belong in this life we briefly live here on Earth, my kids’ faith will determine where they will spend eternity. Eternity is more important!
Faith is important! Having a strong faith foundation matters! It sets our values, our priorities, our focus where they should be. And to set this values in our little ones hearts from birth should be our priority as parents.
[Tweet “What our children believe will shape who they will become.”]
I want my kids to be rooted and grounded in the truth of the Word of God. I want them to know their true identity in Christ and have confidence in themselves and in their God. I want them to have a strong faith and to share it!
Be intentional about build a strong faith foundation in your kids’ lives.
I feel really blessed to be able to homeschool my children and be able to focus on building a strong faith foundation in their lives but you don’t have to be a homeschool mom to apply some of the ideas I will share in this post.
- Set time aside daily to help your children grow in their faith, read a devotional and pray together. You can do it first thing in the morning or at bedtime. We do both times of the day whenever is possible.
- Make reading your Bible and prayer a daily priority and it will become a daily habit they will grow up with.
- I love reading Spark Story Bible Devotional with my children and it goes perfectly with the Spark Story Bible.
Build a strong faith foundation in your children’s lives by modeling it.
If you pray every day in every situation, your children will learn to do the same. If you sit on your bed every morning to read your Bible, your kids will learn to do the same.
Every move you make, their little eyes are watching you carefully. They learn by mimicking. It’s in their nature. You, mom and dad, are their role model, above every other teacher they might have in life. They always observe how you react to things, solve problems, communicate, serve Jesus, pray, praise and everything else you do in your life.
Provide them with the resources they need to grow in their faith daily.
As a Christian homeschooling family, Bible is always the first subject we start our day with. I have been teaching my children to practice the discipline of a personal devotional time every morning. Even my soon to be 5 years old daughter has her devotional time with mommy.
I love using the Play and Learn books from Sparkhouse Family. They are beautiful, colorful, and filled with great Bible teaching and activities for my kids, ages 4, 6 and 8.
Use great resources to build your children’s faith foundation as part of your homeschool, after school or Sunday School curriculum!
We started our homeschool academic year using A Play and Learn Book: Old Testament Adventures moving to A Play and Learn Book: The First Christmas and ending the school year with A Play and Learn Book: The Life of Jesus. These three great books will give them an overview of the Bible and provide them with amazing lessons to grow their faith.
I am very excited to go through The First Christmas: A Play and Learn Book with my children as part of our advent. The book is gorgeous and contains 12 lessons beginning with some Messianic prophecies to Jesus’ presentation at the Temple on his 8th day of life.
For us, as a Messianic family (Jews who believe in Jesus as their Messiah), this book is an answer to our prayers as we keep our Christmas holiday focused solemnly on the birth of our Saviour.
Lastly, I am so looking forward to exploring The Life of Jesus: A Play and Learn Book with my children!
Jesus is our ultimate role model! As I mentioned before, our children look up to us as role models and heroes in their lives. But we are humans and we often fail. I want my children to always look up to Jesus and model Him and of course, I want my children to see Jesus in me as much as I want to see Jesus in them!
Here is a gift for you so you can also help your children also grow in their faith!
Sparkhouse is offering all my readers a super generous 25%off in all of their products using the discount code BLOGGER until 10/15/16! 25%off is a huge discount!! I want to encourage you to visit their website now at and check out their resources! They have awesome products you can even buy now for Christmas gifts!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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