Praying with your child is important. Not only is it a time to bond but it’s also a time to explore your faith and journey together as a family.
The world is full of events and activities and sometimes feels like it’s one a spinning axis that is never going to slow down. During those times, it’s important to stop and find comfort in your family and children.
One way to accomplish this is by slowing down time and stopping to pray with your child. Not only is praying essential to keeping and growing your faith, but you’re also setting a strong foundation for the faith of your child as well.
The Importance of Praying with your Child
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “Families who pray together, stay together”, and this couldn’t be truer. The power is prayer is nothing short of a miracle.
Lives have been completely turned around for the better all because of the power of prayer. Illnesses have vanished, families have been fed and thousands of people from all over the world find comfort every single day all because of their faith.
Praying with your child shows them that the power of prayer is true
When it comes to praying with your child, here are some reasons why it’s so important to do so each and every day.
Kids are kids. And if you don’t remind them constantly to do something, they may just forget about it altogether. This is where the importance of prayer shines the brightest. Tell them how praying has benefited you and your life and let them hear your stories.
Keep their interest and attention by telling them all the ways that the power of prayer has changed your life for the better.
Show your child how fun prayers can be!
So many times as parents and adults, we all tend to pray during the bad times only. Don’t worry, it’s something that we all do! And most times, we probably don’t actually even realize it.
How quickly we all turn to the power of prayer when times are tough…but what about when everything is going great?! This is a great reminder to show your children that there is such a thing as fun prayers!
Prayers can be about saying “thank you” or being happy for the day! And if you don’t talk about that aspect of prayers with your child, you’re missing an opportunity to show them just how uplifting and positive a prayer can be!
Teaching your child to pray allows them to have their own voice anytime they want
Just think about when you pray…it’s a time where you’re connected to the Spirit and your voice is the only thing you hear. What a powerful feeling that is! Give that same feeling to your child as well and introduce them to prayer.
Let them know that prayers can be said out loud or kept inside their minds for only themselves to hear. But the biggest thing about praying with your child and talking to them about it is that they understand that their prayer is theirs to make! That conversation that they have with God is important and is one that can only happen through the power of prayer!
Tips for teaching how to pray
As I said earlier, there’s no right or wrong way to pray. But there are a few tips that you can pass along to your child so that they understand and know how prayer works.
- Let them know that prayer can happen at any point in time during the day
- Prayers can happen at any location that they choose
- If your child wants to pray for someone, tell them to pray for them!
- Prayers are a great way to bring a positive thought to a negative situation
The power of prayer is truly strong. And taking the time to understand the importance of praying with your child is key! Give them the foundation to understand what prayer is and then let them find that perfect praying path.
You’ll be there with them to help guide and answer questions, but that journey that they have with the power of prayer is one that they can and should make on their own!