Welcome to Blessed MOMdays Link Up Party!

I am so glad you’re starting your week here! The purpose of this link up party is to bring our community together as we encourage each other in our motherhood journey.

My heart’s desire is that you will be blessed through this link up party posts with inspiration, encouragement and ideas on how to grow in your faith, marriage, family, homeschool, homemaking, career, healthy living habits and so on.

Blessed MOMdays Link Up Party

This Week at They Call Me Blessed:

Blessed MOMdays
YOU’RE INVITED! Thirty-One Gifts is turning 13 this month, and you can join the celebration! Shop with me 20 Oct. for access to a one-day sale featuring special Bring-Back Birthday Bundles!*

This has been somehow a quiet week on my end. Moms need to rest and take some time to reorganize life in general and watch the Mom Conference. I’ve learned so much from the speakers this year! This was one of these weeks where I had to take a break from doing and focus on learning.

Monday began with Thanksgiving celebration here in Canada and we had my in-laws and two friends over for dinner. I have to (not so humbly) say that my turkey was amazing!! I think we ate turkey every day for 4 days in a row. Glad we will only have turkey again on Christmas Eve.

I wrote no blog posts this week! No shame in saying that because I’ve learned to blog on my own terms. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t busy behind the scenes either! We launched our They Call Me Blessed Moms private group on Facebook and now we can grow even closer together.

I made two huge decisions this week!

One, I enrolled my youngest on a local preschool three times a week on mornings so she can have fun playing with other kids while I work one on one with my two oldest in our homeschool. It was tough decision to make for many reasons I plan to share on Periscope and here on the blog too.

Two, I started a business with only $1! Can you believe that? $1 only! I joined a company I wanted to join for years! And I couldn’t be more excited about it. I love their products, I love their values and their mission to empower women to own their own business. You can learn more about it here. And watch all my excitement in this video (just don’t mind my mess and my huge pile of laundry to fold!).

This week also, I hosted our First Poetry Teatime Co-op meeting! We had so much fun! I’m planning to share it all in details with you this week at the blog. So stay tuned!

I also hosted my fifth Illustrated Faith Bible Journaling 101 workshop at our local Christian bookstore. Our Bible Journaling Club on Facebook has grown to over 200+ members and it just keeps getting better and better!

And as I type this to you, I’m attending our third day of a wonderful Marriage & Family Conference! My cup is overflowing! God is good!

7 Things I’m Looking Forward To This Week:

  1. Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles with my family
  2. Fun co-op this Monday on our local library
  3. 100 Days of Intimacy challenge with my husband
  4. Start reading my new pile of books I bought during the marriage and family conference
  5. Thirty-One’s Birthday Bash Party on Facebook this Thursday
  6. My 6th Illustrated Faith – Bible Journaling Workshop next Saturday
  7. Rest! Lots of it in between all these exciting things happening this week

Most viewed posts on Blessed MOMdays Link Up Party last week!

Blessed MOMdays


-Kingdom First Homeschooling- 

I so enjoy reading the blog posts last week and was really inspired by a number of them! Keep them coming!

Congratulations! Let your readers know you have been featured at They Call Me Blessed by adding this badge to your blog.

Blessed MOMdays

Blessed MOMdays Link Up Party Rules:

  1. Share your most recent inspiring and encouraging blog posts. Before you post, ask yourself: “How can this post help encouraging and inspiring a mom today?”
  2. Attach our link up party graphic or a link back to my site somewhere on your website. It can be on your main page, link-up page, or sidebar, or the post itself. 🙂
  3. Share our Link Up Party post on your social media using the hashtag #blessedMOMday and invite your readers to participate! (If we all do that, imagine how many more new readers you will have on your blog?!) Let’s do this together!
  4. Read at least 2-3 blog posts linked here and comment on it. (Did you know this is a great way to get people to know you, your blog and to grow your blog traffic as well?)

That’s it with the rules! Enjoy linking with us, commenting and making new friends. Networking is important! Having like-minded friends is a huge blessing!

The most viewed blog posts will be featured on our next week’s link up party post! I hope it will be yours! 😉