Physical and mental exhaustion is something I am far too familiar with. I’ve had three pregnancies in four years and no maternity leave while working full time in ministry as a pastor. During those four years, we also moved countries twice! I was on the go, 24/7, and no time to rest!

Physical and Mental Exhaustion


The Dangers of Physical and Mental Exhaustion

With three little kids, ministering full time, and growing an online business to help with our finances, my body started to present signs of exhaustion and overwhelming stress. I was battling with Hypothyroidism, severe food allergies, and food intolerances. And so after years of just sleep deprivation, just trying to keep pressing on and carry on in any way I could, I finally burned out completely.

Last Summer I was hospitalized several times. I was weak, sick and this caused me to feel depressed. In my last hospitalization, I was rushed to critical care after my husband had called 911, I had chest pains and was paralyzed from head to toe, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t move anything for almost 3 1/2 hours. After several lab exams, two ECGs and a chest X-ray the diagnose came: I had a panic attack!

No, that wasn’t all my heath issues at that time, it was just the tip of the iceberg. My hypothyroidism became Hashimoto’s, my body wasn’t absorbing iron properly… it became a snowball! One problem was leading to another.

Stress caused a lot of damage in my life. I had to step back from full-time ministry and completely ignore my online business. It wasn’t an option and we were not prepared for it. My health was going down the drain and I needed to heal, rest and recover from years of accumulated stress.

Physical and Mental Exhaustion Will Conquer You If You Don’t Take Care Of Yourself

I love my husband. I love my children. I love my ministry. But I didn’t love myself enough to take care of me. And the stress I went through for years was robbing me of appreciating my blessings! I learned big lessons this past year about the consequences of not taking enough care of myself. 

You see, I took care of 300-350 people between two churches. As a health coach, I took care of another one hundred or so people through my online coaching programs. But I didn’t take care of myself the way I should. Although I was eating super healthy, I didn’t sleep enough, I didn’t drink enough water, I didn’t exercise (even though I know I desperately need it) and taking a little bit of time to do something fun for myself? Hah! As if I have the time? And the worse part, I didn’t cry for help when I felt overwhelmed.

Does this sound familiar? 

I know I’m not alone in this! In fact, I’m sure that most moms stink at taking care of themselves and investing in themselves. We are guilty of it! Kids come first, the house comes first, work comes first and we are always last on our priority list!

Moms, we desperately need to learn to stop, breathe, rest and be refreshed. We need to fill ourselves up so we would have something to pour on others! We are constantly running on an empty tank. As women, we have to stop and refuel. To pour back into ourselves so that we have the energy and the JOY to pour back into serving our families and the Lord. We need to find balance!

Conquer Physical and Mental Exhaustion by Feeding Your Body, Spirit and Soul Intentionally

Jami Balmet from Young Wife’s Guide developed a 7 part audio series all about investing in yourself…all for God’s Glory! (Find out how to get it for FREE below)


Taking the time to invest in myself, to care for my body, and invest in my spiritual life are all vital parts of being a homemaker. I need to take a little bit of time each day to invest in myself so that I have the energy and joy to pour back into my family…otherwise I might just face another severe burnout and face my days with a begrudging attitude instead of joy in the Lord!

Do you crave a little more energy, joy, and enthusiasm when facing your day? Being a mom is hard work! Being a homeschool mom is double hard work! Do you wish you could do less but accomplish more in your day?

This all starts with taking just a little bit of time to invest in yourself. I have learned this the hard way after 8 years of running around like a madwoman trying to get everything done…and then hitting a wall of exhaustion, depression, and sickness. I want to greet my day with joy and energy! 

Here is a powerful tool to help you breakthrough from this stage of physical and mental exhaustion.

Throughout this 7 part audio series, you will dive into all the aspects of taking care of yourselves (and why this truly matters if you want to have a thriving home and relationship with the Lord). In the series you will learn about:

  • Avoiding burn out and letting go of GUILT when we do invest a little in ourselves
  • Making time for what you love (in 15 minutes a day)
  • Taking care of yourself – exercise and eating well
  • Investing in your Spiritual Life
  • Giving yourself GRACE…especially when life falls apart
  • Wrapping it all together for God’s Glory!


This audio series is so helpful and I so desperately needed for myself! If you struggle with learning to invest a little time in yourself (or you have no idea what that even looks like), then this audio series would be perfect for you!

Find More Tools To Conquer Physical and Mental Exhaustion At This Online Conference

I don’t know about you but I live on an island in Canada and going to a live conference or a mom’s retreat is not in my budget neither I have someone to stay with my kids so I could spend a few days out being refreshed! But I thank God that nowadays we have amazing online conferences that we can attend without leaving our homes!

The Homemaking Ministries Online Conference kicks in next week. This is something I am so looking forward to! When it officially launches next week, you can purchase your ticket for only $25 and get access right away to go through it. BUT when you purchase a premium ticket to this year’s Homemaking Ministries Online Conference through October 20th, you will get FREE access to the audio series!

The conference officially kicks off next week (October 25th-28th) and when you register by Thursday, October 20th, for a premium ticket not only will you get free access to this audio series but you will also get a full ticket to the conference (you can listen to the sessions anytime…you get to keep them forever!) and Jami Balmet’s brand new goal setting course (which you get immediate access to).

Find out more & sign up today! >>

This year’s conference is shaping up to be incredible!! They have 17 amazing speakers lined up to deliver 20 conference sessions throughout the four days. The theme for this year is Finding Balance in Your Home and each session addresses various aspects of how to find and achieve balance in your home…all for God’s Glory!

Here’s the incredible line-up of speakers for this year:

Session #1: Achieving Balance in Our Lives (A Definition) – Jami Balmet
Session #2: Cultivating the Lovely in the Everyday – MacKenzie Monroe from Bold Turqious
Session #3: How to Create a Lasting & Loving Marriage – Jolene Engle from
Session #4: Balance in Spending Time Online – Mandy Hoffman from
Session #5: Balance in Housekeeping – Hilary Bernstein from No Place Like Home
Session #6: Finding Balance in Spiritual Disciplines (What’s Really Important) – Jami Balmet
Session #7: Balance in Meal Planning (So You Won’t Go Crazy) – Stacy Myers from Humorous Homemaking
Session #8: Finding Balance in Healthy Living (Or, how to be crunchy without being a nut) – Trisha Gilkerson from Intoxicated on Life
Session #9: Balancing Priorities for Greater Joy in Your Home – Jennifer Ross from The Focused Homemaker
Session #10: Balancing Homemaking and Homeschooling – Tauna Meyer from The Proverbial Homemaker
Session #11: Focusing on the Gospel Throughout the Week – Jami Balmet
Session #12: Balance in Motherhood – Christy Fitzwater from
Session #13: Creating Balance for the Working Homemaker – Caroline Allen from The Modest Mom
Session #14: Finding Balance in Relationships – Angie Tolpin from Courageous Mom
Session #15: Living a Life of Ministry (Even When You Can’t Leave the House) – Katie Bennett from Embracing a Simpler Life
Session #16: Making Scripture Memory a priority in your day – Carlie Kervechal from Today’s Frugal Mom and Fulfilling Your Vows
Session #17: Balance in Planning – Marlene Griffith from A Diligent Heart
Session #18: Balance in Healthy Eating – Kelly Smith from The Nourishing Home
Session #19: A Startup Guide to Simplifying Your Stuff – Elsie Callendar from Richly Rooted
Session #20: Finding Purpose and Cultivating Joy in Your Home – Jami Balmet


Bonus #2: Goal Setting Course and Workbook

Do you still need another reason to sign up for the conference? When you purchase a premium ticket you also get access to an awesome Goal Setting Course and Workbook – all about setting priorities for your day, effectively planning, creating a family mission statement, and more!


I need to learn to plan right! To put my priorities in place, don’t you?

Another feature that sold me out this year is the private Facebook group for attendees! All the speakers will be also sharing exclusively in the group! How cool is that?

Friends, I burned out badly last year. It is my mission to bring to you as my readers every good tool I can find to not let you burn out like I did! Self-care is important. We all need more balance and sanity in our lives.

As daughters of the living God, we were not created to hustle and live stressed. We were created for rest! God has given us a beautiful and important call into motherhood and homemaking. He has already chosen and qualified us for that. If we come to Him, He will equip us and give us the tools we need!

I am excited about this Homemaking Ministries Online Conference coming up, I know I need to find and achieve balance in my home…all for God’s Glory! Let’s do this together. Meet me at the conference!

Physical and mental Exhaustion

Your Turn: Are you struggling with physical and mental exhaustion? Do you feel like you are on the point of breaking? Are you joining me for this online conference?

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