“Children are a blessing from the Lord“, lately, this has become my daily mantra.
This comes after multiple Facebook updates that included things like “Sometimes I don’t like being a parent” and “kids–ARGH!” or “kids…sigh.” You see, it is not always easy to believe that children are a blessing from the Lord. For some, like me, it is much easier to believe they are a burden. And sometimes it seems much more certain that they are indeed a curse.
Trying to get out the door for any type of prearranged meeting = burden.
Trying to get kids ready for bed so you can actually rest = burden.
Cooking a delicious supper only to be told “oooo…yuck” = burden.
Taking three kids to the grocery store = curse.
Don’t get me wrong: I desperately love my children. I stand by their beds at night and marvel at their innocence and their wonder and their endless imaginations. I love it when they slip their small hand into mine as we walk down the street. I melt a little when they say “I love you, Mommy.” And I savor their complete belief that I am the most attractive, talented, and skilled woman on the face of the earth. They are so smart. 😉 At those times, it’s easy to see them as a blessing. But they are not easy, and they don’t come with an OFF switch. They don’t even come with a manual. They come to us naked and hungry, and our work is clearly laid out before us–clothe and feed. Simple enough.
As hard as those early years are with newborns and toddlers, nothing prepares you for the increasing list of needs that now accompanies your growing child. I still clothe and feed, but it’s no longer simply clothes and milk. I dress her broken heart that has been laid bare by harsh words at school. I nurture self-esteem when he feels he can’t do anything right. I carefully choose the right outfit of words so that my youngest doesn’t feel exposed by my lack of sensitivity. I prepare meals of experience so they learn to marvel at God’s creation and His sustenance. It takes an enormous amount of energy.
And time.
And consistency.
And faithfulness.
All of which I don’t have enough.
And that’s the point isn’t it. I DON’T have enough. But I know a God who does, and His mercies are new each day. His Grace is sufficient for every need. He will supply my lack. Oh, how hard it is to remember that on difficult days. How hard it is to think the truth! To always keep before me the absolute truth that my children are a blessing–given to me by God. A Blessing.
So if you ever find yourself crushed under the weight of a difficult day, remember the truth. God gave you those beautiful children as a blessing. Webster’s defines blessing as “something that helps you or brings you happiness.” Or “approval that helps you to do something.” Let that sink in for a bit. Your children, blessings from God, are something to bring your happiness, something to help you. See your children as sweet blessings from the Lord. Think the truth.
I agree! My children are blessings. They gave me strength during dark times that seemed impossible. They provide me with joy, love me for who I am, and make me feel like the most wonderful person in the world.
Thank you for your honest testimony. Motherhood and homeschooling are both so hard. Many times God has reminded me to pray to have my eyes opened to see the good in my children. It is so easy to get caught up in a loop of negativity. It is always such a blessing when I fall in love with my children again and again.
Thank you for the comment. Yes. It IS a blessing to keep falling in love with your children. I love that thought. 🙂
Absolutely beautiful! It is really hard during the early years. Even now I am struggling with my difficult toddler bit I know he is an absolute blessing even on days I am pulling my hair out! Thank you for this reminder!
Thanks for the comment! Some days are SOOO hard. Especially in toddler land.
I loved this article. I need to write these words and hang them on my wall. CHILDREN ARE A BLESSING. -Thank You for the good reminder.
I thought about creating a printable…maybe I still should. 🙂 I’m glad you were touched. Some days are so difficult, but it is so important to always remember that truth.
Oh my, you hit the nail on the head! Sometimes the frustrations outweigh everything in the moment and guilt and tears quickly follow. Thank you!
I’m so glad it resonated with you. Keep on keepin’ on! 🙂