Thank you to all readers of 31 Reasons We Love Homeschooling!  This homeschool blog party is an amazing compilation that looks at the heart of homeschooling.  The opportunity to get to know all of these talented homeschoolers is a true joy and inspiration.  My heartfelt thanks and appreciation must also go to our dear Ana – I am honored to be among they who call you blessed!

Why We Love Homeschooling: Family Strength


Homeschooling has been a tremendous blessing to our family.  Although this lifestyle may not be the one that my husband had envisioned, I felt called to home educate my children before their birth.  I am so appreciative of these special moments that I get to have with my boys every day – moments that I would surely miss if they were at school.

I have shared how we came to be homeschoolers over at Busy Boys Brigade.  My older two boys did attend our local public school until my oldest completed 3rd grade.  I often think of our family years divided into “pre-homeschooling” and “learning with love at home”.

We really tried to make public school work.  I volunteered as much as possible.  My older boys participated in as many activities as we could manage.  Despite all of these efforts, we failed at public school-and I am so happy that we did!

After my oldest son started to experience frequent migraines-the type that send you to bed and take days to recover from-I knew that I needed to pray hard and revisit my feelings from early motherhood of educating my sons at home.  My husband was resistant to my pleas, having the common concerns about socialization and how could we do it all.

God answered my prayers by placing an amazing homeschool mentor in my life who held my hand and dried my tears.  God also gave me the courage to stand up for my family and buck against the system.  I thank Him everyday for these strengths that He has bestowed upon me.

Homeschooling Strengthens Our Family

I love homeschooling for so many reasons.  Flexibility and freedom to select my boys’ learning paths are two top reasons. The #1 reason why I love homeschooling is how it sets the stage for strengthening our family.

Our family has grown by leaps and bounds since we have taken the plunge to homeschool.  Since we have started our homeschool journey, we have literally added to our family with 2 more boys (total of 5).  We have also grown intellectually, psychologically, and spiritually in ways that I never dreamed possible.

Family bonds have been strengthened through the increase in the amount of time we are able to spend together.  I have had the opportunity to truly get to know my boys – their different personalities, quirks, and learning styles.  Sadly, I missed out on so many of these opportunities when they were in school – and I try to enjoy every moment that I am blessed to be with them.

Why We Love Homeschooling: Family Strength


By teaching our boys at home, I am able to share our family’s faith and values everyday.  We include prayer, devotions, and resources about our faith into our studies.  Addressing these areas of morals and values allows for family discussion and time to grow daily in our faith as a family.

While all of these reasons mean so much to me, the greatest reason that we love homeschooling is the brotherly bond that has been cultivated among my boys.  Our 5 sons have grown to be best friends and help each other in every way.  I have priceless memories of my oldest son teaching my toddler how to walk.  I fondly look back on watching my second son patiently teach our fourth son how to read “because I get how he learns Mom-he’ll understand it with me”.

Why We Love Homeschooling: Family Strength
My Busy Boys Brigade: (left to right) Xman, Bear, Smiley, Professor, & Captain holding Cooper

My boys have learned how to be patient with one another.  They have learned how to be kind.  I feel like my boys get to practice  1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 each day with each other – at least that is how I strive to help them grow as individuals and as a family.

I love to watch my younger boys run to my older boys for comfort.  Watching my sons work together to problem solve and discover the world around us is an indescribable joy.

For our family, homeschooling has provided the ability to incorporate life lessons into everyday learning.  As we learn together, our family becomes strengthened and renewed.

I have watched homeschooling help our family grow in its strength.  I liken it to an acorn, planted in the ground with love.  The mighty oak tree that grows with  strong branches reminds me of how our family is growing strong through our homeschool and our faith.  I feel encouraged knowing that our family will be firmly rooted in our beliefs and values through homeschooling to endure anything that we may face.

Why We Love Homeschooling: Family Strength

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