
But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you.’

Jeremiah 7:23

When I read this Bible verse today two questions came to my mind: 1 – How can we be the people of God if we don’t obey Him? And 2 – When I obey my own voice instead of God’s voice, am I not taking Him off His throne and placing myself instead? Ouch!

We may want that all will go well with us but, do we really want to walk in all the way which the Lord has commanded us? The sad reality is, we don’t. We often do things our own way and quite frankly we think we can get away with that. Isn’t this sad? We rather obey our own desires instead of obeying God’s desires for us and that’s precisely when we miss the mark! We miss it simply because we don’t want to bother doing things the “high” way. We miss it because we have no patience to wait to see what God will do and instead we want to make it happen our own way, right now! God’s word through Jeremiah was an affirmation that IF we obey His voice THEN He would be our God. He promised to make all go well with us, and that means it might not be the way we thought it would be, but it will be according to His perfect will for us.

Here are only 3 (of many) main benefits of obeying God’s voice I chose to share with you today:

  1. That all go well and I may live: But Jeremiah said, “They will not give you over. Please obey the LORD in what I am saying to you, that it may go well with you and you may live.” Jeremiah 38:20
  2. The best God has for my life: “If you consent and obey, You will eat the best of the land;” Isaiah 1:19
  3. To be blessed: “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28

These make a pretty strong argument for us to begin to pay more attention to His voice and obey Him wholeheartedly.

Friend, just like you, I desire that all go well with me, my family and the ones I love and that God will grant us a long healthy life. I want to eat the best of the land! I want the fullness of everything God has in store for you and me. I want to have life more abundant, overfilled with His love, His joy and His shalom. I want to obey Him “to a t” and watch God’s blessings following me whatever I might go. Don’t you? I don’t want the “ME god” get on the way and make us miss the greater things God has for us. We so need God! Let’s just face it, without His guidance, we don’t do a lot of right choices. Let God be God. Let Him lead us and let’s just follow Him, shall we? Let’s pray together.

Dear God, please forgive us for the times we wanted to do things on own ways and had to suffer the consequences of the bad choices we made. Forgive us for not having the patience to wait on you or do things your way. Today dear Lord, we ask you to teach us to hear your voice so we don’t miss your loving instructions. Help us to be on your Word and on our knees daily. Abba, we need you, we love you and we want to obey you.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

Your Turn: When do you find the hardest to obey God? Leave me a comment below.

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