There are many things that go into planning for a new homeschool year. You have to decide what each of your kids needs to learn, choose the curriculum, and organize materials.

While these things ARE important, I believe that the most important thing you can do for a successful school is to spend time praying Biblical virtues for your children.

How to Start Praying Biblical Virtues For Your Children | Pray for Kids | Praying for Children | Prayers for Children | Praying Bible Verses for Children | Teaching Bible Virtues | Praying Biblical Virtues | Biblical Virtues for Kids | Biblical Virtues for Kids | Praying for my kids | How to Pray for Kids | Pray BIble Verses for Children

Why is this important to pray Biblical virtues for your children?

Because character is the foundation for success in academics. You can have the best-laid plans and the most popular curriculum for your school year, but if you kids don’t have Godly character, you’re going to have a hard time teaching them.

Think about it. If your children haven’t learned the character trait of obedience, you are going to struggle to get him to do his school work. If he hasn’t learned to be attentive, you won’t be able to teach him anything. It makes sense to us logically, that it’s important to lay that foundation of character first.

But more important, God says character training should come before the academics.

II Peter 1:6 Add to your faith virtue (character), and to virtue, knowledge.

As you begin a new school year, it’s important to remember that good character is the one thing that will help your children the most!

We can, and should, train them daily in character. But we should also PRAY for them to develop that character! We do our part, and then pray and ask God to do HIS part.

I have found that the most effective way to pray for my kids, is praying Scripture for them. When we take God’s Word and pray it back to Him, we are laying hold of the promises He gives us and appropriating them into the lives of our children.

His Word is a powerful weapon that the enemy cannot prevail against.

*The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. Heb. 4:12

We also have the promise in Isaiah 55:11 that His Word won’t return unto Him void, but will accomplish what it’s supposed to. In other words, His Word is never ineffectual or without fruit. I LOVE THAT!

Join me in a 30-day prayer challenge: Praying Biblical Virtues For Your Children!

How to Start Praying Biblical Virtues For Your Children | Pray for Kids | Praying for Children | Prayers for Children | Praying Bible Verses for Children | Teaching Bible Virtues | Praying Biblical Virtues | Biblical Virtues for Kids | Biblical Virtues for Kids | Praying for my kids | How to Pray for Kids | Pray BIble Verses for Children

Praying Biblical Virtues For Your Children Challenge is totally free and will include a daily prayer based on Scripture, as well as additional Scriptures to reflect on and personalize into prayers for your children.

When you join Praying Biblical Virtues For Your Children, you will get a welcome email, and then a daily email with the prayer challenge for the day for the next 30 days.


My prayer is that you will join me for this 30-day challenge to pray Scripture for your children’s character, and as a result see God do some wonderful things in their lives, as they grow and become more like Jesus.

Love prayer challenges? Check this one on praying for our marriage and husband.

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