Exploring Nature With Children is the best nature study curriculum I have ever seen! Exploring Nature With Children is a truly “open and go” curriculum, to help you make nature study happen for your family.
This complete, year-long curriculum is divided into the four seasons of the year, then into twelve months of the year and each month is divided into four weeks. You can start using this curriculum any time of the year.
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Today was our first day using this curriculum and I couldn’t wait to tell you all about it. Our first themed nature walk was a senses walk. We focused on what we were seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting.
My kids had a blast taking pictures with their Kindle Fire which they use to access their Handbook of Nature Study and other Nature Study guides and e-books.
HOMESCHOOL MOM TIP: A Kindle Fire is super affordable! These tablets are convenient and much lighter to carry around. We are opting to buy a lot of our books in Kindle format because they are much cheaper and we can take our books everywhere with us. Plus the kids can use their Kindle Fire for their online lessons on CTC Math and to take pictures when we go on nature walks!
During our walk today, we spotted a Stellar Jay for the first time! The Stellar Jay is British Columbia’s official bird. This majestic blue bird is stunning! I wish we had caught it on a picture. But we’re thankful to have also watched woodpeckers and squirrels.???? Picked and ate lots of juicy blackberries.
We also read nature stories and poems, spent time drawing, tracing leaves and taking notes in our nature journals… it was wonderful! No one wanted to go back home.
What a blessing it is to be able to slow down and enjoy creating memories in our homeschool. All while following our Exploring Nature With Children curriculum. ❤️????????????????????????????
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10
How I came across Exploring Nature With Children.
One day I was browsing on Instagram and I came across Exploring Nature With Children and they were having a giveaway. It immediately caught my attention and I just had to go look further into it. It was love at first sight! I knew this was the best nature study curriculum I have ever seen. And guess what? I won the giveaway!!!
I was so beyond excited about winning this I just had to let everybody else know about it. So I contacted Lynn Seddon, the author of this amazing curriculum, and I told her how I was in love with her curriculum and how long I was searching for a nature study curriculum like this and asked her if I could help her promote it. Of course, she said yes!
So last weekend, during the Free Online Homeschool Retreat we gave away a copy of her complete year-long Exploring Nature With Children and a copy of her brand new Exploring Nature With Children Guided Journal offered in both: print and cursive versions! It was a hit! Homeschool moms just went crazy trying to win it. They saw what I saw when I first came across this curriculum – it is complete! Everything in one place!
The new guided journal contains pre-printed copywork passages for your child, which reflects the poetry selections.
Why I think this is the best nature study curriculum
I’ve been looking for the best nature study curriculum for our homeschool for years and It was frustrating to not find one with everything in one place. I needed a curriculum with step-by-step instructions of what to do and this does exactly that.
I’m a city girl. Nature study is not my forte but I wanted my kids to explore nature and appreciate God’s beautiful creation while learning about trees, seeds, plants, flowers, birds, animals, insects, weather and so much more.
I wanted a curriculum that would fit our unhurried Charlotte Mason homeschool approach.
Charlotte Mason encouraged us to let our children spend time outdoors to explore God’s creation and to make of this a habit for life.
“Let them once get in touch with nature and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight and habit through life…” -Charlotte Mason
I am so glad I finally found the right curriculum that fit our family needs and wants perfectly.
If you love nature study, I highly recommend you start following Lynn on Instagram.
What’s inside Exploring Nature With Children
Exploring Nature With Children contains:
- A page for each season; here you will find a list of materials you will need for each
weekly nature walk. - A chapter for each month. There are four weekly themed nature study lessons for each
Each weekly nature study contains the following:
- The Week’s Nature Walk Theme
- Handbook Of Nature Study Reference
- A Book List
- A poem to enjoy that week
- A piece of art to enjoy that week
- Extension activities for your child.
You can take a peek inside Exploring Nature With Children in this live broadcast I did on Periscope. Click here to watch!
Ready to start Exploring Nature With Children?
Click on the picture to join us!
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