Do you need to refresh & revive your homeschool? Are you feeling discouraged, lacking consistency or not getting any attention from your kids when it comes to homeschooling after the holidays?

This is the time of the year that most of us hit a homeschool slump season. Yep, you’re not alone. This is perfectly normal. In fact, it is actually a good thing to happen, do you know why? Because it gives you a chance to reevaluate your homeschool, rethink what is working and what is not, and refocus on your priorities your priorities.


3 Easy Ways To Refresh And Revive Your Homeschool Now

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I am a firmer believer that taking homeschool breaks often are really necessary and beneficial to our homeschool. A long break, even the Holidays break, should not be seen as a roadblock but a chance to readjust your homeschool. The reality is that we should refresh our routines often and even the long Holidays break help us to do so.

So, if you were discouraged about the hitting the homeschool slump, don’t be! This is a chance to truly give your homeschool a makeover and restart it better than ever!

Today I am guest posting at Outmatched Mama‘s Conquer The Homeschool Slump blog party! And I can’t wait to share with you 3 easy ways to conquer the homeschool slump and revive your homeschool!

Here Is How To Revive Your Homeschool NOW.

1 – Revive Your Homeschool By Creating A Homeschool Blueprint

What in the world is a homeschool blueprint? Great question! I didn’t have one when I started either so I was clueless about it.

Just as a house needs a blueprint and a strong foundation to be built on, so does your homeschool. Your homeschool blueprint consists of your why, your goals, and your mission for your homeschool. Boy, I wish I knew how important it is to have these all defined before I started my homeschooling journey. I was building my homeschool on a sinking sand and we were all hating homeschooling.

  • What is your why for homeschooling your kids?
  • What is your goal for this year’s homeschool and for each one of your child?
  • What is your homeschool mission statement?

These are the things that keep your eyes on the prize! Knowing these will help you keep focused and motivated. It gives your clarity and direction. You need a homeschool blueprint!

It took me hitting a roadblock and almost throwing in the towel to stop and create a blueprint for our homeschool, then building it from there. Our homeschool is now strong, peaceful, and joyful! If you need help creating your homeschool blueprint, grab my NEW ebook and mini-course here for only $17! I will guide you step-by-step.

3 Easy Ways To Refresh And Revive Your Homeschool Now: Your Homeschool Blueprint Binder

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