Oh friends! Those of you who know me know that organizing things is my happy place and calming mechanism. I love to organize and plan, so when it came time to organize our school room for the year….eeeek!
Ok so today I am going to share my space and I am NOT telling you how to do yours, just sharing what works for us.
So we recently moved and this was a blank space, that definitely makes it easier to start with. I recommend if you want to reorganize your space (and when I say space it all goes – kitchen, dining room, basement, wherever you school most) I recommend pulling everything out if you can, take everything off the walls, and “start over”. The blank canvas allows for maximum creativity! Or so I think.
These pictures are before we added our curriculum, activities, or personal stuff so it looks slightly bare. But my latest “must have” for the teacher (Me!) was this rolling cart, many of you have seen these and I was skeptical because from the picture before I purchased one, I was unsure if it would really hold a lot of “stuff”, as many of you know after 7+ years of schooling you accumulate a lot of stuff/supplies, you name it I probably have it. But I was really surprised with all the things I could house in there. It rolls around the room if I need to move it, and isn’t it a colorful piece of happiness! Makes me smile, and adds a little pop to the room. But I have it right next to the “teacher’s” desk and everything I need is right next to me.
Now some of you are looking at these pictures and yes you may be noticing that I am NOT an unschooler! lol It might be obvious that we don’t school at the park we play at the park! We use this room as our learning space, and for us it works! I don’t like things piled up on my kitchen table, and I feel like this space doesn’t have any of the distractions from the kitchen or tv, and we can learn and create here. But do what works for YOUR family! What matters is that they are learning, in whatever environment that works for them.
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Love these ideas, can’t wait to try a few.
Love your home school area.