What is the focus on your life?
Much of what’s going on in today’s world makes us focus on ourselves. We’re supposed to look out for our best interest, compete with others for the best job, the biggest car, and the nicest house. We’re surrounded by advertisements and media messages that encourage us to be very self-centered and ego-centrical.
But let me tell you that the world does not revolve around you. and you should NOT be the center of your life! I will explain to you why.
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What Should The Focus Of Your Life Be?
When we start to live with purpose, the people around us become more important. Instead of focusing on just us, we focus on our family, our community, and even the world at large. That’s quite a bit of a change in perspective and something that will come over time. The amazing thing is that it starts happening effortlessly.
You start by living more purposefully and end up focusing more on the needs of your loved ones.
Maybe it starts with simply paying more attention to your spouse and kids. From there it moves toward your extended family and your circle of friends. Along the way, you notice that working with others, helping them out, and doing things for them feels good and brings a lot of joy and happiness. Living a purpose driven life that includes other people who are important to us is a great feeling.
Now, this is not an excuse for self-neglect, mama! You need to take good care of yourself. When you become a mom, the focus of your life changes. The surrender of motherhood is a beautiful and powerful thing and a mother’s job is hard. Just remember that you need to care for yourself so you can care better for others around.
When Others Are The Center Of Your Life
From there it spirals out. As you create more intentional relationships with your kids, for example, you get closer to their friends. You also become more empathetic to the needs of other parents and their children. Your focus starts to shift from yourself and your own little family to your local community and eventually the global community we all live in. And that’s a very good thing.
No matter how much it is drilled into us and how much we want to believe it, we don’t live in a bubble. We live in a community and in this day and age that community reaches across the entire globe. Our actions, our purchases, and how we choose to live our lives has an impact on everyone else. We can no longer afford and shouldn’t want to live a self-centered life. Trust me, being part of a community and working together for the better of everyone involved is a much better feeling.
More Advantage To Make Others The Center of Your Life
It’s yet another advantage to living your life with purpose. You get to see the world from a different perspective. Not only that, but you’ll also be setting a good example for your children and other people around you. As they see you care about and help others, they will be inspired to do the same. If you ask me that’s pretty powerful stuff. Your own choice to live with purpose can end up affecting hundreds, if not thousands of others and inspire them to do the same.
And when the focus of your life is the important people around you, you find a greater purpose in your everyday life. What you do everyday matters, so why not impact and inspire lives intentionally? You can start right now!
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My Favorite Tool For A Life With Purpose
The Beyond Blessed Life Planner is the best tool to help you be more inspired, organized and purposeful this year! Download your dated or undated printable planner here.
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