I have spent the past month looking for the best options for Christian homeschool Science curriculum for homeschoolers.
For me, as a Christian homeschool mom and a pastor to teach my kids science from a creation point of view is non-negotiable.
I believe God created the Heavens and the Earth and everything else that exists and I want to teach my children through a Biblical perspective. But choosing the right curriculum for your family can be hard.
Our Favorite Christian Homeschool Science Curriculum
For the past four years we have been using Sonlight Homeschool Science Curriculum packages and to be honest, their packages are so amazing is hard for me to even try to compare it with another curriculum. I love Sonlight science and their curriculum for other subjects as well!
What I love about Sonlight Curriculum, most of all is the use of living books instead of plain boring textbooks. I love how they carefully craft the Science packages together using fantastic books, biographies, hands-on experiments and even a super fun DVD called, InquisiKids Discovery & Do, that my kids absolutely love watching!
When I asked other Christian homeschool moms what they were using for Science, I discovered that there are other amazing Christian Homeschool Science curricula out there and most of them I have never heard about before!
This year we are also using Apologia Astronomy and absolutely loving it!!
Here are other favorite Christian Homeschool Science curricula:
“We used Berean Builders. It has a short experiment to go with each lesson. There are also three levels of questions at the end of the lesson so you can do it with all your elementary aged kids at the same time.” Michelle H.
“I love how Sonlight Science feeds a curious child’s mind with many different kinds of scientific topics over the course of a year, via many different kinds of books. So fun!” Gina M.
“We use Berean Builders. I love the history and science combination.” Cassandra E.
“I really love Sonlight Science! Easy IG (instructor guide) for me to follow, and I’m loving the books they send. But my favorite is that the science box comes with all that are needed for the whole year of experiments!” Johanna H.
“Apologia! We love it. We have done astronomy, botany and all three zoology books. My oldest has done physiology and anatomy also. We do physics and chemistry next. We don’t do all the experiments and only use parts of the notebook. Astronomy was fun. We did the experiments with friends. Add the app SkyView Free to it lets you see the constellations and labels them for you. Kinda cool.” Katy H.
“I loved the interesting books in Sonlight Science, but stopped using it because of the disjointed way it hopped around from topic to topic, and the age-inappropriate worksheets in science A and B.” Lisa B.
“Depends on the age. Berean Builders: Science in the Beginning for elementary, Apologia for middle-school, other Berean Builders sets and Apologia for high school depending on the subject. Tina B.
“[In our homeschool] three children use Apologia and one uses Berean Builders (currently on Science in the Ancient World).” Becca B.
“We use Apologia and like it pretty well. Next year we’ll use Berean Builders – no experience with them yet, but I like what I see flipping through the book.” Amanda S.
“We like experiments and demonstrations in Sonlight Science so the years with the TOPS books have been my kids’ favorites.” Stephanie O.
“Mostly Apologia, though have let my oldest (high school age) pick out a few others that interested her in the areas of Astronomy and Weather. Both of mine will be high school level next year and we will be doing Apologia Biology with lab!” Anita I.
“We have used and enjoyed Elemental Science, both their Intro to Science and Chemistry for the Grammar Stage. (I liked their Sassafrass too, but my son picked the stand alone Chemistry). Next year we are going to try the Berean Builders as I like the science/history connection. We will probably at some point do the Elemental Science Earth Science for Grammar stage.”
Danielle B.
The top favorite Christian homeschool science curriculum I found, in no particular order, are these:
- Sonlight Curriculum
- Apologia
- Berean Builders
- Noeo Science
- Elemental Science
- Answers in Genesis
- A Beka
- Christian Kids Explore
If you are looking for the perfect fit for your family, go check these 8 Christian Homeschool Science curriculum out!
Science was always my favorite subject in school. To do science as a homeschool curriculum is the best thing a kid could ever wish for.
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Preschool experiences shape a child’s perceptions of what school is like, and at this young age, it should be both fun and exciting.
Thanks for this list! Just started this year and am using abeka to keep it simple this year. It’s good to know of other options 🙂
Thank you so much for his list. I have found science and history to be the most challenging subjects to find curriculum for.
I am so happy I found your blog and all of the wonderful information you share. So much that I have nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award! 🙂 check out my post for more info http://savvyschooling.com/2017/06/01/my-blogger-recognition-award
Oh sweet!! Thank you so much, Kristi!
We just started Berean Builders because it matched what we were doing in history. 🙂
Oh, how exciting, Dana!! I hear it is a great curriculum!
Great list! We bought NOEO physics last year and could never find time to incorporate it. Thought it looked fun. This year we bought Flying Creatures Apologia but we re using it as a resource and mostly reading up on birds/bird watching. I think next year (3rd Grade) might be the year.. but who knows! Unschooling science might be our thing. I’m curious about elemental science…
Hey, Stefanie! Apologia Flying Creatures sounds awesome!! I heard of Noeo for the first time a few weeks ago. I haven’t seen their books yet. We’ve always used Sonlight and love it! Elemental Science follows a classic education philosophy and it looks great too.
I love that you guys are taking your time birdwatching and using the Flying Creatures book as a reference and hey, unschooling science sounds really good! 😀
Nice list and Beautiful Blog! I use Apologia from Jr. High through High School. I have struggled to find something that really fits us for elementary beside unit studies I build, but we are going to try MasterBooks Elementary Zoology next year.
Thank you, Jenna! Yes, I hear great things about Apologia. I’ll have to check out Masterbooks. First time I hear about it. 🙂