Our new homeschool curriculum is here and I cannot wait to share it with you!

I’m super excited to deliver some weekly news via vlogging instead of the usual written email because I can show you all the good things instead of just writing about, like our new homeschool curriculum for 2019-2020!!!

You are going to hear all about our new homeschool curriculum and our homeschool routine in this video down below, plus a few VERY exciting announcements!

So don’t wait! Click to watch the video below. 🙂


Want to listen to our Homeschool Vlog instead? Click play below!

Our New Homeschool Curriculum Mentioned In This Homeschool Vlog:

Our Morning Time Curriculum:

  • Claritas Memory Work Cycle 2. This is our second year using Claritas for memory work and oh, my word! This is amazing!! In only 7 minutes a day, we cover 9 subjects: Bible Scriptures, History, Geography, Grammar, Math, Science, Latin, Timeline, and Hymns. I highly recommend you sign up for the streaming videos provided by Cross Seven. We love watching the videos! It shows fantastic artwork, maps, and other visual aid to helps us remember it.
  • Laying Down The Rails by Simply Charlotte Mason has been our character and habit curriculum for the past five years! I cant; recommend it enough. Every 6-8 weeks we focus on a specific habit such as attention, order, regularity, truthfulness, etc. Our home and homeschool days have run much more smoothly since we started to consistently work on character and habit training.

Our Bible / History / Literature Homeschool Curriculum:

Our Science Homeschool Curriculum:

This may sounds crazy, but we are using three curricula this year! Not because we need to, but just because we love it and don’t want to drop any.

  • Apologia Science Zoology 2 and 3 in audio with 3 kids. We play it as an audiobook while the kids eat, build, color, or draw. It is amazing how much they retain. After listening to a lesson, we stop to discuss it, write in a notebook and draw the animals we’ve learned about.
  • Science Sheperd Introductory Science with our youngest and she is loving it!! The idea was for our youngest, now in 4th grade to catch up with all her two oldest siblings already know so all three can use the same science curriculum from now on. What we love about it is that it is creation base, the video lessons are super short and it covers all science!!
  • Science in the Ancient World by Berean Builders for Ben who is loving it, especially doing all the experiments on his own. He is becoming more and more independent with his studies and I’m very proud of him.

Our Geography Curriculum:

Our Math Homeschool Curriculum:

Our Language Arts Homeschool Curriculum:

Our Arts Curriculum:

Extra Resources:

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